
Community Projects

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we are happy

A quick update on the puppies, soon they will be sterilized ⭕️ two of the five got stolen, the three remaining are all females 👀

Five Little Puppies

The first time I came to the property that now holds the space for these puppies, it was because another three puppies where just been born, under very hard circumstances. I couldn't turn my back, I went into the property, and I put it them in a safe place. Now they are big, adopted and gave the space for the next round: 5 puppies who will be given in adoption. The goal is to make them get used to dog food, I can see the mama already tired of breastfeeding 

150 pounds of joy

Now that Mama gave birth, more food will be needed 


Good dog food 🥘 

50 pounds of pure love

Ugly, Ashna and Mama are eating like there's no tomorrow 😮‍💨

Dead dog in front of my door

Could you imagine the frustration that comes with walking out off your front door and finding a dead dog, when the rest of the week you hustle to protect them? 

Well that happened to me and other people several years ago, when the local municipality killed hundreds of them, and pile them up in the main street, becoming the first dog holocaust of Lake Atitlan. I hope this time, history does not repeat again.

Vamos a limpiar lo que nadie quiere limpiar

Con la ayuda de esta maquina, pondremos a prueba la limpieza de la calle principal de San Marcos La Laguna. 

Collars Needed

The dogs are getting fed but now they need to be identified, because of control reassons. For that matter, collars will be needed in order to know which dogs are being fed on a daily basis and eventually take them to a more competente veterinarian for further evaluations. 

The food and supplies of the first Dognation Campaign

We are happy to announce the successful Dognation that is now feeding 10 dogs on a regular basis. This is just the start...

Cachorro apadrinado

A través de nuestro programa de apadrinamiento, promoveremos el correcto cuidado y protección de los perros en el municipio de San Marcos la laguna. Esto con la intención de no albergar a los perros, sino más bien de concientizar a la población y encontrar una solución a la problemática desde la población.

More Puppies

There seems to be no stop to this problem, on a daily basis new puppies are found.

Very Very New born Puppies

They are very very new born and I dont know if it would be wise to move them, but the place is very nasty. If someone has any advice of what is best to do please let me know. I am hoping the momy is looking for food and wondering if it would be a good idea to leave some dog food there for her and check on them later. They are by the pipes going to the lake next to the nature reserve in San Marcos.

Thank you, Whith your help they can find a house and food.



Alex G · 860 Days ago
They died, worms ate their eyes
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Los cachorros ya tienen casa

Gracias a tu apoyo, los cachorros ahora se encuentran bajo la protección de un techo, el cual estará protegiéndoles durante la temporada de lluvia.

Asegúrate de que estos cachorros sobrevivan 🐕🦮🐶🐶🐶

Bartolo, el guardián del castillo, rescató tres cachorros de morir; nacieron bajo la lluvia y en la calle, frente a la propiedad de la cual él es jardinero. Buscaron refugio y lo encontraron en su jardín. 

Momentáneamente viven en una caja de cartón, la que les sirve para mantenerse juntos y preservar el calor que necesitarán durante la noche. Pero la caja está húmeda y ya no aguanta más, por lo que la prioridad está en conseguirles un techo adecuado. Afortunadamente, la madre y el padre de los cachorros también están, y son ellos los que necesitan alimentarse diariamente.

Con tu aporte, los cachorros recibirán una casa apropiada para ellos, la madre y el padre recibirán comida diaria. 

Bartolo no se puede hacer cargo de los costos, tiene sus propios cachorros que alimentar.

Published 872 Days ago by Alex G |
Atitlan Guatemala

A digital directory of meaningful projects serving near lake Atitlan in Guatemala
